Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a potentially devastating disease that frequently leads to substance abuse and other psychological distress if it is not treated. Hostage victims usually experience some form of PTSD and can benefit from specialized counseling.
If patients seek specialized counseling and also take appropriate medications for their troubling symptoms, they have incredibly high chances of not only processing the trauma, but also reclaiming their lives completely. Learn today how specialized counseling can help you or your loved one recover from a devastating situation.
Understanding PTSD
PTSD is a psychological disorder that contains both emotional and physiological factors. During psychologically intense situations the brain shuts down certain areas as a defense mechanism. Much like an electronic circuit board that is overwhelmed by a sudden burst of electricity, the brain tends to short out during traumatic experiences, such as kidnapping.
- Flashbacks
- Nightmares
- Panic attacks
- Emotional outbursts
- Severe depression
- Self-destructive behaviors
- Substance abuse
In most cases these symptoms develop gradually. Some PTSD victims experience symptoms months or even years after their traumatic experience.
How Counseling Helps PTSD Victims
Some mental health experts describe PTSD as a problem the brain cannot resolve until it deals with the traumatic experience that spawned the disorder. Specialized forms of counseling can be very effective at helping patients process the pent-up emotions in productive and healthy ways. This involves developing several distinct coping skills, including the following:
- Becoming mindful of the emotions that are being experienced
- Learning to manage and control one’s emotions instead of being controlled by them
- Identifying anxiety triggers
- Improving communication and assertiveness skills
Some specialized PTSD treatments use auditory or other physiological signals to help patients process their stored up emotions.
How to Find the Right PTSD Counseling
Trauma counselors can help hostage victims find the type of counseling that is right for them. Our toll-free helpline is open 24 hours a day, so call any time for answers to all of your questions about treatment for hostage victims. We can connect you with the most successful recovery programs, so don’t allow the trauma you experienced to cause pain and suffering.
If left untreated, this condition can lead to addiction, depression, violent outbursts or even suicide. Don’t let that happen to you or your loved one. Call for specialized PTSD help today 855-808-6212.