Substance Abuse
- Alcohol – The most commonly abused substance worldwide.
- Ambien – A prescription sleep aid that sometimes leads to addiction.
- Benzodiazepines – Prescription medications commonly prescribed to treat anxiety.
- IV Drug Abuse – IV drug abusers face unique challenges in recovery.
- Withdrawal Symptoms – The most common signs of withdrawal and how to treat them.
- Cocaine – The most commonly abused stimulant drug.
- Heroin – An extremely addictive opiate derived from the poppy plant.
- Marijuana – A hallucinogenic drug that’s becoming more commonly available.
Mental Health
- Klonopin – A benzodiazepine medication commonly prescribed to treat seizures and anxiety.
- Opiates – A type of depressant drug derived from the poppy plant.
- Overdose – What they are and how to prevent them.
- OxyCodone – An opiate medication commonly prescribed to treat minor pain.
- OxyContin – An extremely powerful prescription opiate used to treat severe pain.
- Prescription Drugs – Prescription drugs are extremely easy to obtain and can lead to addiction.
- Substance Abuse Overview – A rundown of the most commonly abused drugs and how to recover.
- The Dangers of Drug Addiction – The inherent risks and dangers associated with drug abuse.
- Co-occurring Disorders
- Bipolar Disorder
- Depression
- Mental Health
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Schizophrenia